中國銀行香港個人銀行賬戶的最低要求包括:身份證明、居住地址證明(3個月內簽發)、有效的香港電話號碼、開戶的充分理由和最低存款額10,000 港元。
作為中國銀行合作夥伴,我們很樂意為您提供免費個人開戶或重新激活服務。 如需要協助,電郵 或 whatsapp (852) 9681 4118 聯絡我們。 Whatsapp : (852) 9681 4118 微信: intershores-china 致電 : (852) 2186 6936 電郵 :
Disclaimer: Whilst reasonable care has been taken in provision of information above, it does not constitute legal or other professional advice. INTERSHORES does not accept any responsibility, legal or otherwise, for any error omission and accepts no responsibility for any financial or other loss or damage that may result from its use. In particular, readers are advised to take appropriate professional advice before committing themselves to any involvement in jurisdictions, vehicles or practice.